Sena's Space where chaos meets Light Letter 3.0: The Need to be in Control Dear Reader, It’s 11:45 pm EDT, a mere 26 hours or so until you’re set to receive this letter. Honestly, I thought I had another week to think through what to write to you. Imagine my shock when the Holy Spirit reminded me while I did my quiet time that I had some writing to do. Gosh! The kind of sleep I wanted to sleep before being up in about an hour for an appointment?🥲 Oh well, this is going to be a bit informal...
11 months ago • 2 min read
Sena's Space where chaos meets Light Letter 2.0: Just Do Your Best Dear Reader, It's been two weeks since my last letter. I'm sure you've been well by the special grace and mercies of Abba. Today, I want to tell you about the bit of myself that tends to be a perfectionist. This is the bit that always wants to check every single box, including those marked as "not required" and, quite frankly, those that don’t exist. This pursuit of perfectionism, often disguised as one of excellence, leaves...
12 months ago • 1 min read
Sena's Space where chaos meets Light Letter 1.0: Feed Your Spirit Dear Reader, There are days when I feel disgusted with myself. A few weeks ago, I experienced one of those days. I woke up much energized to get this newsletter setup and start drafting my welcome email sequence. While the day started well, there was an underlying need and desire to slip into old habits. Truth be told, in the weeks leading up to that day, I had done a very bad job at building up my spirit man. It was as if I...
about 1 year ago • 1 min read