Dear Reader,
It’s 11:45 pm EDT, a mere 26 hours or so until you’re set to receive this letter. Honestly, I thought I had another week to think through what to write to you. Imagine my shock when the Holy Spirit reminded me while I did my quiet time that I had some writing to do.
Gosh! The kind of sleep I wanted to sleep before being up in about an hour for an appointment?🥲 Oh well, this is going to be a bit informal and likely not proofread like usual, so apologies for any lines that just don’t make sense.
Let’s talk a bit about this thing called "control". I’m the kind of person who always wants to have it all figured out. I’m talking each day has to be planned to the tee, the week has to be planned completely, and the next 15 years has to have some sort of plan.
But you know, the sad thing about a life like this is that you wake up one day realizing that irrespective of all the detailed templates you used to map out each plan, mistakes were still made along the way. With all my carefulness and planning, I have made some of the dumbest mistakes that I could ever think of in the last 15 years of my life. I’m just 25, so that’s saying a lot. Wait a minute now, did I say 25? Please, I’m 24 and still got 2 more months until the big 25.
Okay, back to the control topic. Lately, I have felt the Lord pruning my need to be in control. Truth be told, it hasn’t been the easiest experience for your girl. Learning to sit back and say, “Okay Lord, I trust You to steer this ship where You want me to be” has been one of the hardest experiences of my life — ever!
Isn’t it ironic, then, that I pray daily “Lord, let Your will be done in my life”, when really I find it so hard to actually make Him the director and master planner of my life? No wonder I’ve been seeing Proverbs 16:9 everywhere this past week. I wonder why I try so hard to map out a life that has already been mapped out by God.
Reader, the need to be in control is purely lack of faith at work. Trust me, the next 5 years of your life can do without excessive planning because God already planned it. And hint, today, tomorrow, and the remaining days until the end of your life are all gonna work out together for your good! If you don't trust me, then trust the Word of God in Romans 8:28.
Welp, the clock strikes 11:57 pm EDT and that’s it for me. The perfectionist in me that we talked about two weeks ago is not gonna do excessive editing on this one. Okay, let’s see how the Lord helps me👀
Until we chat again, friend, be light!
Editor Sena: Major editing completed at 12:19 am EDT. Won't He do it?! Oh yes, He will! Toodles🕊️
Editor Sena: Final editing completed at 12:42 am EDT. Few tweaks here and there while munching on some milk chocolate coated digestive biscuits. Weight loss in the mud and no sleep for me, sigh...