Letter 1.0: Feed Your Spirit

Sena's Space

where chaos meets Light

Letter 1.0:
Feed Your Spirit

Dear Reader,

There are days when I feel disgusted with myself. A few weeks ago, I experienced one of those days. I woke up much energized to get this newsletter setup and start drafting my welcome email sequence. While the day started well, there was an underlying need and desire to slip into old habits.

Truth be told, in the weeks leading up to that day, I had done a very bad job at building up my spirit man. It was as if I had no desire to be with the Lord and I did nothing to push myself into that circle of intimacy with Him. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into taking major steps back. "Had I known", is said to always be at last — but I’m thankful that with God, His mercies give me a fresh start after every "had I known".

I wanted to write to you today and encourage you to make it a habit to seek God daily no matter what is happening around you. You can have your moments where you’re sorta mad at Him but can’t really cut Him off, 'cause let’s be honest — He’s all you've got. And so, after you rant and sulk for an hour or two, still read that chapter of the Bible; still turn on that worship song and find hope and peace in His Presence.

A day is coming where you will wake up with the deep urge to do what you know is wrong, and it will take your having built self-control through consistently seeking God in your unwilling seasons to stand up and say not today, Satan.

All I'm saying, Reader, is that you feed your spirit — because the world is working overtime to feed your flesh.

If you’re like me and you recently found yourself taking that step back, peace be still. The love of God is redemptive in nature, and He is seeking to meet you at the point where you allow Him.

Until we chat again, friend, be light!

Meditate on this

“Let me emphasize this: As you yield to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, you will abandon the cravings of your self-life.”

‭‭— Galatians‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭TPT‬‬

If you have a moment...

  1. Subscribe to my podcast, Sena’s Space, on your desired platform.
  2. Visit my website to learn more about me.
  3. Connect with me on Instagram (@affluentsena) or simply reply this email and let’s chat about life!

Thank you for making it this far, Reader!

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113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205

Sena's Space

Hey future friend, close your eyes for a moment and just imagine a friend who loves Jesus and also shares the most random moments of her life with you -- directly to your inbox. That's me love, I'm that friend🤭 I already know in my spirit that we are going to love each other, why don't you take a step of faith to seal that bond? Get to know me at your very own pace (i.e., every other Wednesday-ish when corporate life and grad school are not making me question my abilities, or until you get sick of my extra self). [Note: You should receive an email to confirm your subscription (do check your spam). Upon doing so, please click "Update your profile" at the bottom of the page to enter your first name. Thank you!]

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